Starting Over.

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Writing Challenge: Starting Over

Starting over, when followed by failure can be tiring, exhausting and even irritating. you don’t want to restart on what you’ve failed at but sometimes you are bound to do so which makes this extremely irksome.. But starting over can be very amazing when one starts reading over a book you’ve once read and feel like reading again..startingover
I love to read and a general rule with all the readers I do not read a good book once. If I find any book very interesting and inspiring I plan to re-read it. In my opinion one can only read the plot line in first attempt but starts to enjoy the true story behind it and starts finding the facts hidden beneath the plot. In case of a series the fun gets doubled and one can link various things scattered in all the parts by the author thus realizing the true ingenuity of him/her.. Starting over a book you’ve read once is like re-visiting your favourite events.. The book I like to start over again and again and yet not get bored is the famous Harry Potter series. It might sound childish but the truth is that there is so much in the books and th series that one simply cannot read it just once. There are points to link and things to discover in the first parts of the books after you’ve read the entire series.. Apart from this series, there are other books as well which area waste if only read once and must be started over to enjoy them to the fullest..
Starting over can really be great if it is an inviting book you’ve read once and look forward to read it again.

4 thoughts on “Starting Over.

    Lissa said:
    17/01/2013 at 5:01 am

    I love to read, and there are numerous books that I will read again and again and again… And yes, there are definitely those that I look forward to reading again.

    Jeyna Grace said:
    17/01/2013 at 8:50 am

    Same here. A good book must be reread.

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