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It’s Okay.

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IMG_4783It’s okay..

because you don’t have a choice.

Its okay..

because you can’t do anything about it.

It’s okay..

because it’s the only option you have.

It’s okay..

because those who love you want it to be okay.

It’s okay..

because you don’t have the courage to face it.

It’s okay..

because you’re too tired to face it anymore.

It’s okay..


The Loss.

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What is the biggest loss you bear once you go through a difficult situation?

This is a question I have been asking myself for a few months now. In order to get the answer, I looked not only at myself, but at a number of people around who have faced situations unimaginable to themselves. What I realized was the fact, that very few of us have the courage to end the pain. We like to torture ourselves, to re-visit the mistakes of the past and to blame ourselves constantly for everything which is wrong, but that, I believe, is human nature, blaming is. You may blame yourself or someone else, but it is in our nature to find out whose fault was it. With all this crap about situation, blaming and where do I stand after a bad situation, I went back to the question I started with. The answer was simple. The biggest loss, after any situation, is the loss of SELF. Every time you go through a trauma, you lose a part of yourself you are never getting back, and this change is gradual, you’ll never know its happening, you may behave like a rock for a while, but too many shocks and you will be gone. I may sound like a hopeless git here, but the truth is that, this is what I have seen, not just in myself but in people around me. I lost a part of myself I priced most and there is no going back. I cannot be the same person anymore, no matter how hard I try and the truth is that I do not feel like going back to being that person, even if I miss that person inside me. Some would say that the change is for the better and that this is probably a better version of my old-self but I know myself, and I know that this is not a better version, at least not by the parameters I set for myself.

Bottom-line: After an undesirable situation, if there is something or some one you need to cry for, that would be you. Realize that your old self is dead, hold a funeral, leave some flowers and move on, because that’s the only choice you have.

A Departed Soul

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I am a soul. I have seen the world. I have seen life and death. I have seen a child being born. I have seen an old man dying and a young child dying. I have seen all seven continents. From the hunger in Ethiopia to obesity in Newyork. From the funeral in Japan to a Wedding in India. From the wars in Iraq to the peace in Iceland. I have seen it all. But it was not possible to achieve this if I had stuck in a single body. I moved from body to body possessing the owner, shutting down their soul and dominating myself. I would gain the love of a family, shelter and all the possible experiences. At times when I would get side tracked, the person would go missing and its family would have to face the loss. This would make me realize even more about the love they’ve had. I have seen people being cheated on by the one they’d call the love of their life, but for this I had to become body-less soul, a bonus I’d get only once in 24 hours and I’d utilize it only when I’d lock my temporary body in a room at night. I did all of it to learn where my life went wrong. Even though I knew there was no repairing possible, but I had to see what the problem was. Why did I, as a human being screwed everything? As soon as I was near any person, relationship or an opportunity, things would take an unexpected turn and life would become more difficult than before. Every time I’d convince myself that this is the last time, every time I’d think that this won’t happen again. But there came a time in my life when I learnt to say that this was my worse experience so far. I decided to end it when I ran out of my capacity for all the possible ‘So fars’, so I killed myself. I had a choice, either I could go on and have peace in death or I could stay in the world and go for an expedition with an exception of seeing my loved ones. I chose the latter. I had never seen the world, so I chose to use the eternity to do so, though alone, I could see where I went wrong. I have been seeing things being repeated for over 700 years now. The world changed, technologies evolved, science made advancements, even animals have an altered behavior, but human beings are the only consistent specie. They still kill for food, die of hunger and crave for love, yet when love finds them they push it away. They still blame God for every wrong thing happening in their lives. They cheat on their loved ones, give their empathies to wrong people and do not trust their instincts. My own family has long since passed away and I don’t even remember what they look like, but I remember how they loved me. I know they are at peace. I know that as always, I chose wrong. My mistake did not end with my life, like my human self, I craved to know too much and that ended me up alone. The irony is that I was looking for what I’d done wrong, I learnt that I was not the only one who made these mistakes in the world. The problem is the mistake I made after my life and I don’t even know how many others like me are making the same mistake.

Shine Through

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via Daily Prompt: Glitter


She was glamorous.

She shone like the moon.

She glimmered like the brightest star.

But her glamour was beautiful at a distance.

Her shine was timely, depending on her sun.

Her glimmer was actually fire burning her from the insides.

Despite the fire, she shone brighter than before.

All the glitter she used to look happy was a diversion.

She had burned, there were scars all over her.

But no one found out, she filled all the gnawed placed with glitter so bright that it made her look like a piece of art.

No one could say she was hurt, all they could see were the beautiful patterns.

And in that process of hiding her scars, she lost her glamour less, simple, charming self.

Like a star which dies out but shines the brightest even in its death.



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I am alive, because I don’t have an option. i could have killed myself ages ago, but I can’t give my parents more pain than they already have. i choose to remain trapped inside my own h…

Source: Survivor

Game Over!

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Hello. I am writing here after long, and a lot has change since then and now. I was a student back when I wrote last time, I am now a teacher, trying to look for opportunities to finally complete studies, may be find a suitable partner, basically have a life. I am no longer the same person and I feel like sharing it here because this place had been my safe haven for a very long time. Whenever I was too happy or too sad, I came here. It has been like this because I have been celebrating my happiness and drowning my sorrow in words ever since I was a child and much had not changed in this regard. If not here, it was a piece of paper which faced my moods but I knew that apart from the people who are mine, I have this special someone who will always be there to take me, no matter how long I took to come back, words will not leave me alone. But if something has not change since last, it’s the fact that I still write with music in my ears and my cell phone by my side. The difference is that I have transitioned from a PC to laptop, and that my mind is no longer the same.

Anyways, too much of the depressing talk. It occurred to me that I should write this post because I observed something and observations are one of the things which inspired me to write. I have realized that we take everything so for granted. We take people and relationships around us too lightly and too for granted. We think that if someone is there, they will stay there forever. They will tolerate everything we do, and put up with all our crap but what I have realized that relationships are more like video games. Yeah, most of them are. This  may sound insane, but I have valid reasons for saying that, first one is that we have to cross different barriers, hurdles and obstacles to get to the next level. We need to ensure that we are strong enough to deal with the next level and the new monsters which are coming up cannot harm us.

The second and the most important reason for saying this is that we don’t have a lot of lives. We have a limited number of lives/chances for assuring that we can make it and the game won’t take a lot of our mistakes or lapse of concentration. This I find highly similar to real life. Our people are not bound to take our mistakes all the time. They will give us chances, some more, some less, but there will come a time when these chances will exhaust and we will lose that person forever. We should stop thinking that they will take our bullshit forever, they are not bound to, and if you love them truly, you will realize, that they do not deserve to take all that.

I think, that we have a true appreciation for the difficulty levels of a video game but we never take life seriously, we have stopped considering people important. We feel that they will stick around. What needs to be realized is that it is possible that the game may expire and we may not get another chance. So, it does sound rude that I am calling another person or a relationship to be a game, but I mean no offense. If we’d just start taking things seriously, we will feel that we have been taking games way more seriously than we have ever taken our relationships and by relationship I don’t only mean your guy/girl, I am also talking about sibling, parents, friends and all other good people in our lives who play an important part in making our day better.

On a happier not, I would like to write a disclaimer that this is not a situation went through and that I never take people for granted. I am absolutely not wallowing in self pity but this goes out to a person who lost a friend of mine only because of his non-seriousness and it is never too late to make people realize that they are making a mistake.


What Matters Most.

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My life is quite different from the last time I posted in here. Today when I logged in, I had no intention to write anything, majorly because these days, my writing sessions involve a private text I probably won’t be showing anyone. I have always shared here whatever I have felt and I think that it’s time I deal with my feelings alone so I don’t bother sharing it online, however, my logging in and taking a brief look at my site made me realize that I have neglected for a year now and it hadn’t done me any good, so I thought that a little sharing won’t hurt me in the slightest. It might as well help me make my mind more clear, so here goes…

As we grow up, things around us change, gradually very slowly, each day passes and it doesn’t feel like things are changing, yet somehow things seems nothing like before when we take a look at the picture from a distance. In the course of these changes, we have to take certain decisions, based on certain parameters which lead our life to the point where we are. I have always taken decisions based on what makes me happy, it was never difficult, because as a child, our parents taught us to take decisions based, first on morale followed by what pleases us, resulting in us becoming somewhat confident individuals, but there comes a time when you have to fight for your own self, your family cannot protect you any more, may be because you grow up. Currently I am in a situation where I fail to understand what is more important to me, rather I do not understand that what would make me more happy. Even if I do figure out the source of happiness, the route leading towards it also have some barriers, which are very very difficult to cross. If I choose the path having no barrier, I may get lost in my pursuit leading towards failure. In short, I can definitely not explain the tidal waves after waves of panic and changed decisions roaring inside me, making me double minded, for the first time in my life ever!  But I have shared it in the hope that someone might relate and it is always better to find out that you are not the only one. I am not asking you to share you story, in fact I want my dilemma to be of some use to any one out there who’d feel as confused as I am.


Evil Within Ourselves.

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Our lives are surrounded by a variety of movies, books and stories. As the busiest and the most intelligent species thriving on this planet, we love to be entertained, and this entertainment usually does come in the form of a good movie weekend or a nice book. It is so because these things offer us an escape from our real world and allow us to go through a different expedition each time we explore a new one. The best part about this entire journey is the fact that it allows us to be judgemental, not only toward how good the book/movie is rather about who’s the good guy and who’s the villain. We can clearly see who’s right  and who’s wrong and we definitely want the “HERO” to triumph over the “VILLAIN” in order to make it a happy ending of our choice.

This routine processing of our brains in general made me ponder over a specific attitude of humans, which is, that,

“We are very much capable of judging good from evil when presented in a self explanatory manner, but we definitely do not have a sight to see the evil within ourselves”

I say that because whenever we consider any situation of our very own life “co-starring” other people near us, we always think of ourselves as the Hero of the story, seeing a villain in those we do not like. We do not intend to think, for even once, that we may be acting as a typical bad guy for someone, ruining their situation and disturbing their story. Some may call this human nature, but I believe that it is also in the nature of a human to change oneself, have a flexibility in ones mind to accept, at least for once that yes, I am wrong, and that I was being unreasonable, even though that does seem impossible, but conquering this, can only make us the Hero we want to feel inside ourselves.

A Virtual Dilemma!

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imagesA file here, another there, a “New Folder” propped open on one side, 5th copy of the picture I just scanned, wait.. A whole bunch of the these copied pictures, and not just a single one in fact multiple copies poking out of different sites. This is just the beginning of the Pandora box! So far I was coming across files being copied once, or twice or maybe just five to eight times, but at least their labels were self-explanatory, the next thing I unearth is a file having a weird, yes weird assortment of documents and pictures and files I do not even remember compiling. Going through the history tries to remind me they belong to a time four years back, being compiled for the reasons must-have-been-known-to-me-but-aren’t.

This story is not about how I keep my stuff in my cupboard, No! It actually depicts my situation of a few hours back when I tried to rid my digital system of all the unnecessary files and folders. It was a Pandemonium, a silent one, of course, but I discovered such fascinating stuff which I never could have imagined was collected by me if it wouldn’t have been my own system. Files upon files of notes, which have been printed and stored in hard copies ages ago, stupid and idiotic pictures clicked by excitement, uploaded on  facebook but forgotten all the same. Folders revealing research articles downloaded for presentation purposes but never read or even opened except for the moment they were downloaded to check their length only. The situation doesn’t end here, in fact it haven’t even started when I connect my USB and go through it!

All this made me realize that I might be very careful while handling my stuff in the real world, making disapproving noises and snide comments at those who are messy at a level beyond my tolerance range, but as soon as I enter the virtual world, I do not allow my neat-freak mind to take over, making copies of stuff I do not want and storing things which will never be of any use to me, even if stored for an entire lifetime. I do not consider the fact that occupying that space for such stuff is making me get more and more USBs ultimately claiming a little but space all the same in my real neat world. Even if that point is ignored, the worst part is to clear that stuff out which demands time and energy and a greater amount of perseverance to admit the fact that I COLLECTED THIS JUNK!!

Nagging Losses

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downloadIt has been a very long time since I last wrote for this blog. Even though I’ve been writing for my own self a little here and there, the blog have been neglected for long, reason being my final year of the university. I don’t even have a lot to write today even though a lot had been going on for the past year. Now coming towards the point of what had been going on in my mind to write, is not a new story, rather it had happened a air few months back, but it had been in my mind and I realized, how differently our brain works, and some unanswered questions may be nagging for a very long time..

Coming to the point of it, a few months back, we went for a dinner on a Sunday, and we’d decided to go for typical Pakistani roadside barbecue (sounds weird for a microbiologist, but I can’t help loving the food that particular place has to offer). Everything went fine but when we were about to leave, we saw a guy looking for something on the road, along with his friends, we’d been seeing him do that for around 15 minutes and this thing made us all very curious, when we asked him as to what he’d lost, he told us that he’d lost thousands of Rupees (in Saudi Riyal) and he was looking for it. We searched a little and then left, but for some unknown reason it keeps on nagging me either he’d found it or not, and this is not because I”d feel sorry for him a lot, but because few things, specially the lost things are always the most nagging ones to me, and the idea that where were all the time I didn’t have them?